Monday, March 29, 2010

"I can do it!!!"

One of the phrases that tends to fly around this house from time to time is "I can do it! " Generally it comes from a small child who in some cases can't in fact do it. Why is it our tendancy to struggle forward trying, on our own, to complete things that maybe we can't. In short why do we not seek help for things we can't fix on our own?

We're running FPU at our church right now. Our marketing looked like this....

FPU Packages to local churches = 72

Local Radio Advertising = Yes

Local Newspaper article = Yes

Announcement at Church on Sunday morning = Yes

Class attendance...11

In a city like mine, I hear about the bad economy every day, I know people struggling with finances, I know there are lots more people that I don't know, that are struggling with their finances. Why don't more people come for help???

If insanity is continuing to complete the same actions or activities but expecting different results, are we insane? Is our society so attached to "and for everything else..there's ..............?"

I can't figure it out. I talked recently to an FPU grad from our 1st class. 1/2 their debt is gone! In less than 6 months they will be debt free. OUTSTANDING....!!!!! Why doesn't everyone want this story to be theirs???